/ POS Operations
Personnel Tasks, Training & Monitoring
Ongoing collaboration to monitor & organize the internal operation of an existing pharmacy, of any size, through initial & ongoing restructuring of administrative & service tasks. Continuous monitoring & observation of applied procedures for necessary optimization, as well as providing of targeted individual & group training to operating personnel.
/ Objective /
- Structured function based on the organization chart
- Quality and customer service time management
- Time & risk management of supporting processes
- Managing the hierarchy of human resources
- Separation of positions of responsibility and duties
- Definition & clarity of duties
- Assign tasks to employees based on proven skills
- Addressing the risks of providing services to the public
- Highlighting of reinforced areas & benefits
- Identification of employees under a purpose & cohesion (unifying behaviour)
- Employees’ satisfaction & reduction of resignation risk
- Protection of business interests
- Trained management & operation team
01/ Evaluation
Initial & afterwards repeated evaluation-report of the pharmacy’s profile, of the people surrounding it and of the quality of the tasks.
- Owner’s business vision & the role of the personnel in it
- Owner’s satisfaction in running the business
- Owner’s knowledge level in human resources management
- Establishing business core values
- Management & managers profile – organization chart
- Behaviour, motivational style, job satisfaction & personnel commitment
- Staffing skills, roles & duties
- Level of handling internal processes (frontline & back-office processes)
- Personnel style, image & behaviour
- Quality of customer service
- Internal Communication level & Team spirit
02/ System Design (Redesign) & Implementation
Initial design & afterwards optimization of the quality management of the internal processes system, taking into account the customized image of the pharmacy.
- Organization chart and hierarchy levels
- Description of duties for managers, executives and personnel
- Separation of responsibility and execution tasks
- Definition of team spirit during working hours
- Definition of time and quality sequence of tasks
- Report of surplus or deficit jobs
- System redesign & redefinition of existing or new employees’ duties
03/ Monitoring
Continuous support to managers & personnel to optimize quality of operations.
- Consulting on personnel strengths and weaknesses
- Development of internal monitoring system to control the personnel & the procedures implemented by managers
- Guidance of personnel on applied procedures
- On-site observation at the pharmacy for quality control & data collection
- Σύγκριση στοιχείων & ευρημάτων με προηγούμενες παρατηρήσεις & συλλεγμένα στοιχεία από εσωτερικό έλεγχο διοίκησης
- Σχεδιασμός θέσεων εργασίας νέων εργαζομένων προς στελέχωση
04a/ Management Training
Individual targeted training of executives in the organization of internal administrative functions.
- Management and supervision of the customer service: Drug prescription, lab and free sales
- Products organizing: Orders, deliveries, storage and shelves replenishment
- Financial and quality crisis management with clients
- Control and deposit of insurance funds prescriptions
- Financial transactions and backlogs
- Personnel Training Management
- Organizing personnel shifts, working hours and days off
- Financial transactions and backlogs
- Personnel Training Management
- Organizing personnel shifts, working hours and days off
04b/ Operations Training
Individual & Group Targeted Training in Procedural Operational Flow Tasks in Customer Service Areas.
- Online drugs prescription
- Online supplies prescription
- Handwritten insurance fund prescription for immunotherapy vaccines
- Progress update of prescriptions/orders
- Medicines lending
- Pending issues management
- Free Sales
- Medicines & drugs/quinolones
- Over the counter (OTC) products
- Parapharmaceutical categories
- Laboratory formulations support
- Galenical preparations on prescriptions
- Galenical preparations on an insurance fund prescriptions
- Homeopathic preparations
- Pharmacy Services
- Diagnostic Services
- Use of diagnostic and medical devices
- Nursing services and primary healthcare
- Beauty and skincare guidances
/ Methodology
The permanent collaboration between pharmacy’s managers, personnel and the consulting team is carried out through a specific methodology.
- Collection of evaluation data through discussion & questionnaires
- Individual & group meetings – interviews
- On – site observation of personnel
- Textual reports of evaluation results, duties & descriptions
- Flow & hierarchy charts
- Tables of results
- Phone and e-mail chat
- Online project management software for the effective collaboration between parties
/ Result /
- Coordinated management & organized task preparation
- Effective & quality customer service
- Reduce mismanagement & risks in implementing tasks
- Personnel training on their weaknesses depending on systematic logging
- Identification of employees with the pharmacy’s business strategy
- Optimization of economy and operating costs
- Raise administrative profile & distribution of responsibilities
- Continuous management & personnel training